L'année 2010 aura été l'année d'une découverte phénoménale pour moi. Au début de l'année dernière, encouragée par un ami, je me mets à dessiner et j'en parle sur ce blog.... Lire la suite →
Arthur Schopenhauer was born on February 22, 1788 in Danzig, Poland. He had a pessimistic personality. He said for example: ““Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain... Lire la suite →
I live a happy life. To my biggest surprise nothing can through me off for a long time. Deceptions, feeling of rejection, anger, sadness, loneliness, nothing seems to stick anymore.... Lire la suite →
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU[/youtube] Follow the link if you can't access the video : HOME Today I went to the library to buy a book and I came back with five! I went... Lire la suite →