Sa bio : Formateur, coach et conférencier en intelligence émotionnelle Gilles Corcos a développé une pédagogie disruptive pour maîtriser les émotions. Cette pédagogie émotionnelle qu’il a inventée et mise au point... Lire la suite →
Ce mois-ci, le bonheur était à l’honneur grâce à la croisée des blogs. Un grand nombre de blogueurs ont participé et je les en remercie. D’autres ont répondu à la... Lire la suite →
Je publie habituellement tous les jeudis mais la machine était grippée. Je n’avais que fichtre du Bonheur, j’expérimentais des remous intérieurs. Il est facile de parler de la félicité quand... Lire la suite →
When I was younger, I studied Economics at the University. I had to use esoteric terms, complicated theories, hypothesis “all things being equal”, going from micro to macro… I felt... Lire la suite →
There is no recipe for happiness. Astounding. I have a blog about happiness trying to conceptualise it and now I say there is no recipe. It’s true. For me. Everything... Lire la suite →
“Writing from a moment of deep sorrow. Tonight, I am alone in Spain. I feel lost. A dear friend touched a very ancient wound. I thought it was a cleared... Lire la suite →
A flash in my mind. One of the key to my happiness is compassion. I have always been very hard on myself. I always thought I might have some qualities... Lire la suite →
I live a happy life. To my biggest surprise nothing can through me off for a long time. Deceptions, feeling of rejection, anger, sadness, loneliness, nothing seems to stick anymore.... Lire la suite →
<Little souvenir from my stay in Brittany where I enjoyed my peace of mind > Our body is a machine, a fined tuned machine, an unbelievable partner. I don’t know... Lire la suite →
Happiness is a process and it's fun (not dull?). Dr Vaillant used a longitudinal method of research to conduct a great study. He followed 268 students from Harvard to understand... Lire la suite →